Nutri 21 juice

NUTR 21 Juice 

According to the Food and Nutrition Research Institute's food pyramid, our body needs to have greater intake of liquid (either water or beverages) and a variety of fruits and vegetables every day.

The most popular drinks today are sodas, artificially flavored juices or energy drinks. Most of the time, however, they contain artificial sweeteners, too much caffeine and phosphorous and other ingredients that pose grave health risk. The body will not perform to peak performance with a steady intake of these types of beverages.

It's definitely the best healthy drink in market today. Better taste for better health. *Barley- unique plant on earth that has the most complete source of nutrients for children & adults. Barley has been mentioned several times in the bible as a good staple food. Helps minimizes body odor.

Powerful Health Benefits:

Barley- unique plant on earth that has the most complete source of nutrients for children & adults. Barley has been mentioned several times in the bible as a good staple food. Helps minimize body odor.

Wheatgrass- aid in blood purification, liver detoxification & colon cleansing, it is good source of Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin A& E, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Alkaline Minerals, Potassium, Zinc, boron and molybdenum. It is antioxidant and Alkaline forming, & it has amino acids, chlorophyll and enzymes.

Moringa( Malunggay)- has been validated by so many nutrition scientists as also a good source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, & antioxidants. It is considered as MIRACLE TREE because of natural healing effect of malunggay towards nutritional deficiency.
• Coconut Water- highly nutritious w/ 27 amino acids, 17 vitamins, 15 minerals, 3 growth hormones, 6 nectarous syrups, 15 other natural substances & enzymes, vital in building extra strong immune system against diseases & repairing hormonal imbalances of the body( good for kidney and upset stomach).

Carrotsgood source of Vitamin A for the eyes and more beta-carotene our body cannot produce and must come from food that we eat.
Mangos teen- used for thousands of years throughout Asia for health enhancing property. When Queen Victoria tasted this imported delicacy in the mid 1800’s , she promptly declared it her favorite fruit .Since then it has been commonly referred as Queen of Fruits. Key ingredient is Xanthone represent the single great known supply of these tremendous benefits of highest ORAC, powerful pythonutrients , support visual and cardio vascular function, excellent source of potassium , support micro- biological balance, maintain immune system and promote joint flexibility.

Goji anti- aging fruit that contain high levels of anti- oxidants and phyto- chemicals that our body needs. It’s hard to ignore all positive publicity. Goji berries have been receiving in the media, includes: The Today Show, LA TIMES, Harpers Bazaar, CNN, ABC, Larry King, Oprah and many more. Even world renowned dermatologist Dr. Howard Murad recommends Goji in his latest book the “Cellulite Solution”.
Acai –“AH-SAH-EE” product by Palm tree common in flood plain areas of AMAZON RIVER, dark purple berries. Main Plant chemicals getting a group of flavonoids called anthocyanin w/ anti- aging property ,help increase energy, aid in many skin conditions , plant based Vitamin B, E, Minerals such as iron, calcium, fiber and protein. Natural Amino-acids, essential fatty acids(omega 3, 6,9)and extremely high anti-oxidants than other fruits, than raw spinach and 10-30 times more anthocyanin than RED WINE.

Mango- rich in fiber, this fruit is considered as National fruit in Philippine’s pride trading for export.

• Guyabano- recent study conducted in the USA has found out that continuous phytochemicals which can help fight against cancer cells without harming the food cells.
Pineapple- tremendous benefits for maintaining blood circulation on borderline level, (not even high & low blood pressure)that’s why for blood letting purpose Doctor’s suggested to rest at least 30 mins., and take this amazing fiber rich fruit to control high blood pressure. 

Grape Seed- riches source of bioflavonoids OPC ( OligomericProanthocyanidin). Brain booster and immune system enhancer, slow aging process and reducing collagen breakdown in the skin, and protects vision damage in elderly.
Tomato-“ Lycopene” source easily and readily available to everyone for better antioxidant especially making our baby skin more pampered.
Guava- highest source of Vitamin C to increase and boost immune system deficiency , get rid of accumulated toxins like heavy metals, pesticides, and other pollutants found in air, food and water in the body, heals and reduces infection.
Calamansi- acts as natural anesthetic and anti- inflammatory, inhibits tartar formation by periodical damage in gums and sockets.
Dalandan- strengthens capillaries and other blood vessels, the antihistamine action, enables people to tolerate food they otherwise could not eat. Protects body against cough and bronchitis,respiratory problem, viral and bacterial infection.

Banana- potassium rich, lowers cholesterol in blood, alternative rich source of carbohydrate, better than white rice.

Spirulina- called the wonder of Miracle Food and is the most complete food. Contains complete vegetable protein and is the source of all vitamins, minerals and trace elements, cells salts and chlorophyll that our body and brain needs for complete Nutrition.

Strawberry- Physicians and health professionals believe there is clear association between a diet high fruits and overall health, however, most people needs 1-5 servings of a fruit/ Day for free RADICAL neutralizing capacity.

Apple- an apple a day keeps the doctor away, aids in diarrhea problem, as natural treatment better than prescription medicine that most of all has side effect.
Aloe Vera- Cathartic drug made from the juice of the leaves of this plant, eliminates dandruff, promote healthy scalp, promotes hair growth. Various type of aloe Vera mostly African plants, having fleshy spiny- toothed leaves, heals and reduces infection, of wounds, cuts and burns.

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