Unilevel Products


Soursop, or Guyabano in Filipino, is a well known and highly regarded fruit in the tropical regions of Asia and South America but until recently was little known in the West.

In cultures where it occurs naturally it is known not only as a delicious fruit, but as having health and medicinal benefits as well. Native to South America and sub-Saharan parts of Africa, soursop is also cultivated throughout southeast Asia, the Philippines and Indonesia and has become a staple fruit in those countries.

Soursop fruit is packed with vitamins and other healthy ingredients like Vitamins C, B1, B12, Calcium, Calcium, Iron, Healthy fats and carbohydrates and Protein.

In addition, soursop fruit is cholesterol free and low in calories.
But wait, there's more!

•The fruit ( contains annonaceous acetogenins ) is claimed to be a miraculous natural cancer cell killer 10,000 times stronger than a drug being used in chemotherapy. It has anti tumor effect and a proven remedy to all types of cancer.
•A potent antimicrobial agent for both bacterial and fungal infections. Effective against internal parasites and worms and lowers high blood pressure and is used for depression, stress and nervous disorders.
•It can help boost the immune system and helps avoid deadly infections. 



 Natural Cure for Gum Disease. Herbal dental product, anyone? Using toothpaste with natural extract is fast becoming a preferred choice, especially for those who are now more aware and concerned about reduction of harmful toxins accumulated by the body when using chemically made products.

The health benefits derived from using herbal food supplement has spurred the temptation to also opt for herbal toothpaste. One of its major attractions is the absence of artificial colour, flavourings and chemicals that are abundant in most synthetic toothpaste such as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, known as a skin irritant and is actually a detergent. Fluoride and Saccharin, which are often marketed as good protection against oral cavities, are actually harmful if taken regularly and excessively.

It is said that proper way of brushing your teeth, and not the use of toothpaste, actually makes the teeth clean. Yes, it's very important to get rid of leftover foods in our teeth as these promote harmful bacteria that lead to various dental and gum problems like gingivitis, swollen gums, pyorrhea, bad breath, and many more. But what if, you have an option to take an all-natural dental product?


Nutrident contains guava extract that helps kill bacteria in the mouth. Some natives of India chew guava leaves to promote gum health and prevent oral disease like gingivitis and periodontal disease.

With NUTRIDENT, you save your family from harmful chemicals and fight oral bacteria the natural way.

Multivitamins formulated to meet the unique nutritional requirements of pregnant women and developing fetuses
Helps prevent birth defects including cleft palate, congenital heart defects, limb-reduction defects and urinary tract defects
Enhances the health and well being of the child and the mother from conception, through pregnancy, and beyond 
Benefits red blood cell production in both mother and the baby

Prenatal: (30 tablets) BFAD FR No.:58392

Improves memory and increase resistance to infections and diseases
Helps increase energy, stimulates appetite, and encourages proper bone, muscle, and cartilege growth in children
Helps promote good eyesight and healthy skin
Promotes normal growth and development and prevents anemia

Children's Chewable Vitamin Tablet: (30 tablets) BFAD FR No.:60175

php 1,400 (50% OFF Member)

A delicious, orange flavored vitamin tablet that both children and adults look forward to taking
Boosts immune system and provides powerful anti-oxidant defense against free radicals in all areas of the body
Promotes healthy capillaries, gums and teeth
Aids in iron and calcium absorption
Prevent and treats a well-defined syndrome known as "scurvy"
Contributes to hemoglobin and red blood cell production in bone marrow
Maintains collagen and connective tissue in the body

Vitamin C: 500mg Chewable (15 tablets) BFAD No.:DR-XY3278

Boosts immune system and provides powerful anti-oxidant defense against free radicals in all areas of the body
Promotes healthy capillaries, gums and teeth
Aids in iron and calcium absorption
Contributes to hemoglobin and red blood cell production
Maintains collagen and connective tissue in the body
Rosehips promote rapid healing of wounds and burns
Rosehips assist circulatory system, respiratory system, thymus gland, blood cleansing system, and strengthen organs
Rosehips help with women's problems such as heavy menstrual flow, cramps, and breast disorders 
Rosehips are useful against infections and bladder problems

Vitamin C: 1000mg w/ Rose Hips Oil (30 tablets) BFAD No.:DR-XY32788

Reduces risk of heart disease
Keeps skin, nerves, muscles, and red blood cells healthy
Promotes vitamin C recycling
Reduces incidence of prostate and breast cancer
Promotes healing of burns, wounds and decreases scar formation
Reduces cellular aging and helps with many skin conditions
Protects cell membranes and enhances immune system
Helps protect against damaging effects of air pollution

D-Alpha Tocopherol Vitamin E: 400 I.U. (Available in 100's & 30's softgels)

Vitamin-E Questions & Answers

1.Q:What is the difference between Natural Vitamin-E & Synthetic Vitamin-E? A:Natural Vitamin-E is absorbed into the body at least 2x better than synthetic Vitamin-E (some studies are now indicating it may be as much as 4x more effective because the differences continue even after is absorbed).

You can tell if a given Vitamin-E is natural or synthetic by looking at the primary ingredient. If the product contains natural Vitamin-E, it will be labeled as D-alpha tocopherol. If it is made from synthetic Vitamin-E, then it will be labeled as DL-alpha tocopherol.

Natural vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopherol) is derived from vegetable oils, primarily soyabean, sunflower and corn oils. Synthetic vitamin E (dl-alpha tocopherol) is produced commercially by a chemical reaction of trimethylhydroquinone (TMHQ) with isophytol, resulting in a mixture of eight stereoisomers in equal amounts. Only one of the stereoisomers, constituting only 12.5% of the total mixture, is d-alpha-tocopherol. The other seven stereoisomers have different molecular configurations and biological activities that range from 20-90% of the activity of natural vitamin E.

As of now, synthetic Vitamin-E is much cheaper than natural Vitamin-E. But the International price of synthetic Vitamin-E is rising, and given the differences in effectiveness, it is likely that synthetic Vitamin-E is already more expensive than natural in terms of effectiveness per unit cost. Therefore, it is better to buy the natural Vitamin-E where possible.

2.Q:What is the correct dose? A:Vitamin-E is a fat soluble vitamin. That means that excess amounts are stored in the fat. For this reason, although there are many benefits associated with taking Vitamin-E, it's not possible to mega-supplement with it like people do with Vitamin-C.

Experts recommend not to take more than 600IU a day on a sustained basis. It will take many months before the elevated levels can cause a problem. But in general, a good dose is 400IU a day, which is why Natural Formula settled on this dosage. However, unlike some other supplements, we recommend consumers only take one softgel a day--preferably in the morning. 

Powerful urinary tract protection prevents urinary tract infection (UTI) and bladder infection
Helps to prevent the formation of kidney stones
Aids in recovery from stroke reducing death of brain cells
Contains numerous powerful anti-oxidant compounds
Good natural source of Vitamin-C

Cranberry Concentrate: 500mg (30 softgels) BFAD FR No.:61050

php 1,600 (50% OFF Member) 

Stimulates both physical and mental activity
Reduces age related blood system degeneration
Lowers cholesterol, increases energy and endurance, reduces fatigue, prevents infection, reduces stress
Increases sexual energy and increases sperm production in males
In high doses, helpful for inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis
Helps treat diabetes by decreasing cortisol blood levels
Promotes general longevity

Ginseng (Ginsenature): 250 mg (30 capsules) BFAD FR No.:59230

php 510 (50% OFF Member) 

Food for the brain (increases choline levels)
Helps burn fat and lowers cholesterol levels
Helps prevent arteriosclerosis, protects against cardiovascular diseases, and improves brain function
Helps repair liver damage caused by alcoholism
Keeps the liver, gallbladder, and kidneys healthy

Lecithin: 1200mg (30 softgels) BFAD FR No.:14906

php 360  (50% OFF Member)
Promotes healthier hair and skin for more youthful appearance
Contains natural antibacterial and antiviral components to increase resistance to colds, flu and other illnesses
Increases energy and restores sex drive
Reduces feelings of stress and reaction to stress

Royal Jelly: 500mg (30 softgels) BFAD FR No.:59235

php 600  (50% OFF Member)

Improves glucose metabolism to burn fat without exercise or special diet
Beneficial for Diabetics: regulates blood sugar and prevents insulin resistance
Lowers blood cholesterol levels to reduce risk of heart attack and stroke
Assists in building muscle mass by increasing DHEA levels

Chromium Picolinate: 200mcg (30 capsules) BFAD FR No.: 43264

php 540  (50% OFF Member)  

Natural hormone produced by the pineal gland located deep within the brain
Helps regulate sleep and prevent jetlag by safely and effectively restoring balance to circadian rhythm
Guards nervous system against degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and stroke
Powerful and versatile anti-oxidant which diffuses into all cells and passes blood-brain barrier to protect brain
Helps reduce incidence of migraine headaches

Melatonin: 3 mg (30 capsules) BFAD FR No.:43263

php 450  (50% OFF Member) 

Pure reduced Glutathione manufactured in the U.S. to the highest quality standards
Every lot individually assayed for identity, purity and potency to guarantee consumer confidence
The first L-Glutathione to gain BFAD approval
United States FDA approved and certified
Anti-aging and strengthens the immune system fight against pollution
Functions as the body's master anti-oxidant
Protect against cellular damage from free radicals
Lightens the skin by altering the melanin creation process
Strengthens the liver
Available in both bottles and retail

L-glutathione: 250mg (30 capsules) BFAD FR No.:47069

L-Glutathione Questions & Answers

1. Q: Is this product "reduced" Glutathione? What does "reduced" Glutathione mean?
A: Yes. Natural Formula's product is "reduced" Glutathione. The "L" in "L-Glutathione" is the pharmaceutical indicator for "reduced". So if someone mistakenly says "reduced" L-Glutathione, they are effectively saying "reduced" "reduced" Glutathione which is makes no sense. There is no such thing as "reduced" L-Glutathione. You can say "L-Glutathione" or "reduced Glutathione". They both mean the same thing.

"L" or "reduced" in Pharmaceutical speak effectively means "concentrated". Hence, "L-Glutathione" effectively means "concentrated Glutathione".

2. Q: Do you have assay test results on your L-Glutathione?
A: Yes. But bear in mind that when a company does its own assay testing, they get to choose the sample they submit. They can submit one thing and then sell something else. And there are companies out there doing this. You can't trust an assay test done by the company selling the product.

The only safety the consumer has in the Philippine market is to find a reliable brand that works!. L-Glutathione is not like other vitamins that you can only see the results after many years. If it doesn't whiten your skin, it is not working. Why keep buying something that doesn't work?

3. Q: What is the required dose for whitening?
A: The number being put out is anywhere from 10mg/kg/day to 40mg/kg/day, but these are not scientifically derived numbers. By this we mean that there has been no large clinically controlled trial used to determine this number. In the best case, these numbers may be based off of experience. But in the worst case, particularly with the very high doses, it is more likely that it is based off the desire to sell more L-Glutathione. At 40mg/kg/day, you are looking at a dose of 2000mg a day or more for most people. In our experience, this is an unecessarily high dose. We have customers that have seen excellent results taking just one 250mg capsule a day.

We recommend taking a dose of 500mg a day split into two doses--one in the morning and one at night. In our experience, this works very well for most people, and it is reasonably affordable. We do not have data that supports the need for a higher dose for long-term whitening.

4. Q: Why isn't there any Vitamin-C or Alpha-Lipoic acid in Natural Formula's L-Glutathione Supplements?
A: First, we have seen that our L-Glutathione is very effective without any other added ingredients, and because we don't mix it with anything else, we can guarantee the purity of it. But there are other reasons for not mixing ingredients as well. Many consumers may have seen brown L-Glutathione pills in the market. You will notice that our pills are white. They never turn brown. The reason those other pills are turning brown is because the Vitamin-C in the pill is oxiding. When the Vitamin-C oxidizes, it can also damage the L-Glutathione in the pill as well. Further, if you do a web search for "Vitamin-C dose L-Glutathione" or some such thing, you will see that the recommended ratio of Vitamin-C to L-Glutathione for skin whitening is anywhere from 2x to 3x the dose of L-Glutathione. That means for a 250mg L-Glutathione capsule such as ours, you need to supplement with 500mg to 750mg of Vitamin-C for each L-Glutathione capsule taken. If you look at the products that contain Vitamin-C along with L-Glutathione, you will see that they contain at most 100mg or 120mg of Vitamin-C which is not nearly enough.

So people that want to supplement with Vitamin-C for increased whitening need to take a seperate pill anyway. Why take the risk of the Vitamin-C damaging the L-Glutathione? It doesn't make sense to us. That's why there is no Vitamin-C in our L-Glutathione.

Alpha-Lipoic acid is a derivate of the Bearbeary plant. There is no scientific evidence that suggests that it enhances the effect of L-Glutathione in any way that we are aware of. We do not mix in just any ingredients with our supplements. Unless the ingredients combine in a synergistic way to enhance the effect of the supplement, we are not going to mix them together. There are many supplements and vitamins which are antagonistic to each other. Either one blocks or inhibits the absorbtion of the other or one breaks down or accelerates the degradation of the other somewhere along the way before they are both assimilated into the body. In our experience, it is best not to mix supplements when it can be avoided.

5. Q: Was Natural Formula really the first L-Glutathione in the Philippines?
A: We were the first BFAD certified L-Glutathione in the Philippines. Our L-Glutathine was BFAD certified in the Philippines in 2004.

6. Q: Is Natural Formula's L-Glutathione US FDA approved?
A: Yes. All of Natural Formula's products are US FDA approved. In the particular case of the L-Glutathione, we have the documentation to prove this, and that documentation has been certified by both the US State Department and the Philippine embassy in San Francisco.

7. Q: Why don't you use a larger dose?
A: We researched this before we brought L-Glutathione into the Philippines. In our opinion, as noted above, the best dose for most people is 500mg. And this dose should be split into two parts--one in the morning and one at night. So 250mg is the perfect dose to accomplish this--one pill in the morning and one at night. Further, the pill is already fairly large at 250mg, and it is almost purely L-Glutathione. So to make a 500mg pill, the pill has to be at least 2x its current size. That large of a pill is difficult for many people to swallow. Also, once a person has reached the desired level of whiteness, it has been our experience that 250mg of L-Glutathione is adequate to maintain that level of whiteness on an ongoing basis.

If we increased the strength, people would be forced to take more L-Glutathione than they need which unecessarily increases the cost of an already expensive supplement. We understand that L-Glutathione is very difficult for many people in the Philippines to afford. Our goal is to make it as reasonably priced as possible without cutting the quality. This means we don't force people to take more than what they need.

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